Wednesday, 30 July 2014


 The Senior syndicate had Mrs Spicer (Mr Spicer's mummy) in to speak with us today.  She used to live in Te Aroha and she had plenty of information to share.  She talked about the flood of 85, how the community got to paint the town bridge, different companies that were in the town and other interesting facts.
She even told us a few stories about Mr Spicer and how he climbed Mt Te Aroha when he was five!

If you know anyone else in the community that has stories to share - come on in to Stanley Ave!


On Friday we were lucky enough to have Mrs Sweeney in to share with us all about the Te Aroha storm in 1978.  She showed us lots of photos of her house which lost its roof in the storm and she explained to us how she got woken up very early in the morning by her mum to leave their house.  Mrs Sweeney also told us she was allowed to take one thing with her and you won't guess what she took... ask a Room One student for the answer!
Mrs Sweeney also informed us about the theatre and how it got destroyed in the storm.  She had amazing photos of the theatre when it was being demolished.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Art Term 2

Sorry, I was meant to put this up in the holidays.  This is a college of our awesome Term 2 Art work - we were learning to create detailed patterns for visual effect.  We could use pastels, paint or just vivids with a splash of colour.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Welcome back to Term 3

Looking forward to a great Term Three with you all.  
Let's see what we can achieve this term with our learning