Wednesday, 9 August 2017

The Christchurch Stadium

Am I ‘for’ or ‘against’ building Christchurch's Stadium?
By Summer Hannah

I am ‘against’ building a new stadium in Christchurch because if they spend all that money on a stadium people who have run-down houses from the big earthquake will be homeless.  Plus, if they have heaps of money to fix the stadium then why not buy more houses or spend money where it would be truly needed like public libraries, schools, medical centres, hospitals?

Firstly, the homeless living in Christchurch are still sleeping in cars. At the moment the Christchurch City Council only have $253 million for the Stadium project. Christchurch City Council could fix up houses or even maybe build more brand new houses.  This will help the homeless to move out of sleeping and living in cars and into actual houses.    

Secondly, some people who have houses are still waiting for renovations to be done.  When it is winter time, people have cold homes due to poor conditions.  This can impact on them having sick kids or even just kids feeling cold every single night.

Thirdly, just imagine yourself living in a car. You still have to pay bills and go to work. There's a problem with comfort and interior decor, that problem can be solved with a HOUSE. People - come on! - no one cares about the stadium.  There are people are out there, on the side of the road, living in cars. They even have to drive to the laundromat every day to do their washing (i.e. pillows, tops etc.).  

Why not spend all your money on helping people not get cold or sick? The homeless of Christchurch can actually be warm and cozy and have a house.   They can have family fun and most of all, be healthy and have a good night's sleep.  So if you are a good person, you would do the right thing and help the poor.

My opinion on the Christchurch Stadium argument.
By Noah Clewlow

The AMI stadium at Addington was only designed to be used until this year.In Christchurch, there are still 1000’s homeless from the earthquake which devastated the city in 2011. I can't believe that the Christchurch City Council are actually considering building a $253 million dollar stadium when there is still 1000’s homeless in their city. It’s just ridiculous! As I said, this stadium would cost $253 million dollars to build, and yet they already have a stadium for rugby. This stadium has a very high cost and people are looking at the value and saying that the value of the stadium would outweigh the cost, I think otherwise. The cost of this stadium is so monstrous in terms of Christchurch's situation, the fact that the council is even considering building something so expensive seems stupid.

Friday, 4 August 2017

Animals in zoos

Information Report Example 1:

Families from all over the world come to see different animals at the zoo. They enjoy going to the zoo and look at the meerkats, seals and elephants. The first animal I will be talking about is meerkats.

Meerkats are little creatures that normally build their burrows underground.  They stand on their hind legs to look out for danger.  They are brown and their fur is short.  Seals also have very short fur, they will be discussed next.

Seals live in water.  They are extremely good at swimming.  They have very short ears.  They hardly have fur on their skin.  Some people train seals to do tricks.  Both seals and elephants have grey skin.

Elephants are big animals.  They have humungous ears and a long trunk. They use their trunk to spray water over them.  They have 3 toenails on each foot.

I think the zoo is a great place to see lots of animals, and to have time with your family.  You can spend hours watching animals and have lots of fun.

Written by: Joanna Armstrong.

Information Report Example 2:

Lots of families go to the zoo. It is a great place to have a good time looking at animals that come from all over the world. They look at the giraffes, tigers and meerkats. One of the animals I will talk about is the giraffes.

Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world. They can grow up to 5.5 metres tall. Their long necks helps them reach the green leaves at the top of the trees. They live in places like Africa and desert- like places. Tigers also lives in similar places.
Image result for sad tiger in zoos
Tigers have orange and black stripes and they are the largest cat species in the world. They mainly eat meat and like to play around just like meerkats.

Meerkats are small brown animals. They like to live in small underground holes and are mammals. The meerkats come from the mongoose family and like to play around in the sun. Often they stand on their back legs to look out for danger.

Going to the zoo is a great place to spend a nice summer's day. You can feed some animals and get close up. The zoo is a great and fun place to spend your holidays.

Written by: Amber Wotherspoon